Regular Private Riding Lessons
No matter where you are situated in the world...
Private, Virtual, Real-Time Lessons
in Your Own Arena...
Having an instructor virtually in the arena with you will transform EVERYTHING
You will make more progress together, get more rides in, have more fun, and strengthen your partnership
And 1 to 1 private coaching between lessons to keep you accountable and moving forward!
Remember, it is just as easy...
to get into the saddle and spend 30+ minutes 'wandering'
As it is to greet your horse with a specific intention and dedicate 30 minutes to developing 'Your Team'
So, it makes the following a pretty easy decision...
when weighed against dozens of wasted hours in the saddle...
This System Works Because You Can...
- Get to work in-person with an instructor in your arena twice a month
- Every lesson is recorded and sent to you, so you can see and learn from each session
- A private 1 to 1 chat with Lorna to ask questions, submit videos for review, and keep on track with your riding and your goals
- Guided audio horse riding lessons to use throughout the month
- Practice the lessons as often as you like
- Visualise yourself doing it with your horse
- Listen while you ride, just like having an instructor with you in the arena
- Build a plan for your riding going forward that will serve you and your horse.
- And begin taking correct, guided action in your riding again.
Hey There, Lorna Here...
And since 2013, I have been working with riders from all across the globe, helping them to get unstuck in their riding and training.
I am the host of the Daily Strides Podcast and the founder of and I truly love helping riders who don't have a regular coach or trainer continue to develop their riding skills and train their horses.
I am a riding instructor for over 20 years now and I have a knack for taking often misunderstood principles in horse riding and transforming them into simple, step-by-step processes that any rider can follow.
"I believe that every interaction with your horse should add to the conversation; both on the ground and in the saddle... "
I also firmly believe that horse riding should be fun for everyone involved; horse and rider and all of my lessons and training work towards blending this together to help riders continue to move forward on their riding journey.

What I've Discovered...
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to help and get to know thousands of riders, most of them working alone without instructors, trainers, or coaches.
Thanks to this, I've noticed a few patterns and subtle differences that make a BIG difference between the riders who remain excited to ride every day and those who, eventually, give up or stop riding.
There are 2 Types of Riders Who Are Working Alone With Their Horses...

The 'Show Up and See What Happens' Rider
They work on whatever the mood of that particular day feels like working on with their horse!
There's no planning, no tracking, and no realistic goals.
Initially, things are great and they might even see some progress.
However, over time, they tend to ride less and less. Horse riding falls lower and lower on their list of priorities... Many even stop riding after a while.

The 'Have a Goal and Have a Plan' Rider
They know what they are working towards and have chosen specific exercises to work on with their horse.
They commit to tracking the outcome of most rides and creating feedback.
There's a variety of different focus points and exercises to help keep riding interesting for themselves & their horse.
There's progress in their own training and in their horse's development as well.
My Point Is...
with the right system and training, you too can begin to make progress in your riding and training - even without a trainer or coach.
And this is what I help riders to do inside of Connection Private Coaching
Knowing what to do and how to do it is all well and good - but it is only through 'doing' that you will truly begin improving as a rider, and helping your horse develop.
Connection is a combination of private training, coaching, audio horse riding lessons, accountability, and learning how to begin creating your own feedback in your riding.
Real-time private lessons in your own arena (wherever you are in the world) with me coaching you through video and voice.
And then training you can listen to using your favorite podcast app on your way to the barn - or, as intended, from your own saddle as you practice & ride.
"Always gets me thinking and trying new approaches -
Lorna provides wonderful insights that always seem to provide a new way of thinking about a problem I am struggling with..."
Success Has a Rhythm...
Connection helps you to develop yours in your riding by creating a consistent cycle through the essential elements required for better riding & training.
Join Connection Today & Get...
Connection Online Membership for Equestrians
$147 per month
Will allow you to...
- Work with me, virtually and in real-time, to develop your skills as a rider, even if you are working at home right now, alone, without a trainer coach
- Work with me, privately and virtually, to train your horse to develop and improve his way of going - on the ground and when ridden
- Get the guidance you need to train or retrain your horse from a qualified and proven trainer
- Transform how you think about yourself as a rider and your abilities in the saddle through consistent, ongoing, mindset training
- An actual plan for what to do in the saddle, every ride, and every week going forward. No more 'wandering' around the arena wishing and hoping your riding improves
- A way to keep your riding fun and interesting. If you have been feeling overwhelmed about planning each ride, Connection does the planning so you can simply get to work in your riding.
- All the support you need along the way with a private 1 to 1 chat on Telegram
All The Training & Support You Need to Go From Learning to Doing in the Saddle
Learning is one thing.
Connection is about taking action on what you learn and then providing you with the help you need as challenges appear.
You get video recordings of all our live lessons together to review...
Because the training inside of the program can be revisited over and over again, you get to consistently work on improving your skills, ride by ride.
What This Means for You and Your Riding...
- REAL LIFE SUPPORT FROM A TRAINER (helping you figure out what to do and how to overcome any challenges you may face)
- ACTUAL RIDING AND LESSON PLANS (taking all the guesswork out of what to do in the saddle each day)
- PEACE OF MIND (All material is created by an a trained instructor, who has helped thousands of riders virtually from all backgrounds, all around the globe, to improve their riding)
And If You Get 'Stuck'...
With a private 1-to-1 chat with Lorna, support from the Strides for Success Team, and monthly live Q&A's, you can ALWAYS get your questions answered quickly - helping you to get moving again in your riding.
All of the lessons and calls are recorded and the replays are added to your Personal Connection Podcast.
And because you have the private chat with Lorna, it's no big deal if you don't want to or can't attend the live calls.
Join Connection Today
Connection 2 Lessons monthly
$147 per month
Get Immediate Access To:-
- 2 Private Virtual Lessons each month
- Recordings of your lessons
- A private 1 to 1 coaching chat with Lorna via Telegram
- Everything inside of Daily Strides Premium including the private podcast that will deliver training to your phone twice a month
- 2 Live group calls a month
- Access to the full Connection Library of lessons to use between our private lessons together
- Cancel Anytime
Connection 4 lessons monthly
$287 per month
Weekly Lessons :)
- 4 Private Virtual Lessons each month
- Complete flexibility when it comes to your schedule
- Recordings of your lessons
- A private 1 to 1 coaching chat with Lorna via Telegram
- Everything inside of Daily Strides Premium including the private podcast that will deliver training to your phone twice a month
- 2 Live group calls a month
- Access to the full Connection Library of lessons to use between our private lessons together
- Cancel Anytime
Connection 2 Lessons p.m. - Annual
$1470 per year
- 24 Virtual Lessons
- +2 Bonus lessons to use anytime in the year
- 2 months FREE
- Lesson dates and times are as flexible as you need them to be to suit your schedule, the weather, etc.
- Everything included in the monthly subscription
Connection 4 Lessons p.m. - Annual
$2870 per year
Weekly lessons all year!
- 48 Virtual Lessons
- 4 Bonus Lessons to use within 12 Months
- 2 free months FREE!
- Lesson dates and times are as flexible as you need them to be to suit your schedule, the weather, etc.
- Everything included in a Monthly Subscription
Or you can try a single private virtual lesson first - to see if we're a good fit...
If you are riding alone and working without a coach or instructor
Connection gives you the private coaching, the tools, the training, and the support to continue your riding, from the safety of your own arena.
Your own time, your own arena, your own horse...
This truly is the cost-effective way to continue training and working with your horse - especially if you don't have a regular trainer or coach
How Do The Lessons Work?
Modern technology is a marvelous thing! By using suitable movement or auto-tracking technology, we can easily connect and train together.
You will be riding in your arena and I will be training you, in real time, from my office.
I can see you on my computer screen as your 'camera' (usually your smart phone) 'tracks' or follows you around the arena. You can both hear and speak to me throughout the lesson.
And it is all in 100% real time...
"Lorna makes me feel more confident in my daily riding I'm so grateful for the podcasts..."
Get the Support You Want Along The Way...
Many riders fall into the trap of learning - but failing to consistently implement - when it comes to their riding
Developing your skills as a rider requires you to ride, and Connection is created to help keep you get the support you need WHEN you need it, remain motivated, and inspired, and continue to take action from the saddle.
"I am finding the episodes in this subject extremely helpful. I’m based in NZ so it’s universal too, which is great. The content is motivational without being fake or airy fairy, and they are full to the brim with knowledge. Thanks Lorna!"
Questions about Connection
What is Connection?
Who is Connection suitable for?
What format is the training & do I need 'extras'?
Do I need my own horse to participate?
How long can I access the material?
Can I cancel my subscription?
All If you have any other questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] or message the Strides for Success Facebook Page and we will get back to you within 24 hours
You can also choose one single private virtual lesson
Connection may be the perfect solution if you:-
- need a trainer to get their eyes on you and your horse - regardless of where you are in the world
need to develop confidence in your own abilities as you ride alone and train your horse
Need short, easy-to-follow training that fits into your schedule, however, it looks right now
Want a resource that allows you to learn from and apply immediately in the saddle - or the car, on your walk, mucking out, grooming...
Tired of spinning your wheels and wondering what is the missing piece in your riding that will tie it all together
Are looking for input from a trainer who has a proven track record of helping equestrians online and virtually for 11 years
Are finally ready to start focusing on improving your horse's way of going using a proven, time-tested system